Barney's Going to be Engaged? Part 3

Here we are, fellas, when my eyes burned and my heart thumped harder and harder.

So, Robin naik ke atas bangunan WWN dan ngeliat tempatnya udah dipenuhin bunga mawar dan lilin. Robin makin kaget ketika ngeliat ada kertas dengan tulisan The Robin.


Well, I'm trembling right now :')

It was such an ending! What a proposal he gave her. It means so much to fans, even for ted-robin shipper.
You know, I'm kinda quite understand now kenapa Ted ngga bisa sama Robin.
Karena Robin emang bener-bener udah ngga punya hati lagi sama Ted
Karena dia udah cinta mati ama Barney

Big applause for the producers
They really work hard for not making down their fans
Even me, the tedward team, udah bisa nerima Barney-Robin saking so sweetnya

Dengan segala rencananya itu lho
Aku akuin
Meskipun di dunia ini banyak banget cara proposing yang romantisnya pake banget-bangetan
This is the most -speechless- proposal I ever saw *ngga ada kata-kata yang pas jadinya speechless*
Entah berapa kali aku nonton episode ini dan nangis cegugukan secara terus menerus
Okay aku emang lebay
Tapi bagi kalian yang udah nonton HIMYM sejak awal hingga sekarang
Mungkin hal ini nggak selebay yang kalian kira

Nah sekarang intisarinya.
Emang sih, Barney Robin jadian suka ngga disengaja kejadiannya
Ngga seperti Ted yang perfectly planned yet crazier in love than Barney
Dan Barney emang ngga bertahun-tahun cintanya
Ngga kayak Ted yang dari awal episode HIMYM emang udah ketauan cinta matinya

Sometimes, you can hardly know whether it is perfect but not into you
Or clumsy but it's your destiny
Barney dengan segala keliahaian dan hobinya dalam meniduri wanita
Ngga nyangka banget kan kalo dia jatuh cinta setengah mati sama Robin
Dan memang selalu terlihat chemistry di antara mereka
And I have to admit, sometimes they are more than with Ted

Liat nomer 13?
Disitu aku nangis makin sedih
Ngeliat Ted yang udah nyimpen perasaan bertahun-tahun
Akhirnya ngelepas Robin di malam kesuksesan dia sebagai arsitek :''')

Dan disinilah Barney dan Robin
Dengan ending yang memastikan kalo mereka memang akan bersama
Ngga ada kata-kata lain buat mereka selain indah :')

Kalo misalnya ada aja cowok yang ngelamar aku kayak gini
Langsung deh pingsan akunya
Ngga bakal neko-neko lagi aku
Langsung kusamber itu cowok buat jadi imam :')

Maaf ini ngalur ngidul recapnya
Soalnya di bagian ini merupakan bagian ter-astonishing dari semua HIMYM yang pernah ada
Aku bener-bener ngga bisa ngelupain episode ini
Ini merupakan episode terfantastis
Even from every single another movies or tv series that I ever watched
It really catches my heart and will always be my number one clip :)

Oh yes it's the soundtrack from the episode.
This, too, makes my heart really in... Haru :)

Pictures Source :

Barney's Going to be Engaged? Part 2

Right now, here we are, fellas!

Sampe mana tadi?
Oh iya sampe Marshall nyuruh Ted ngga usah bilang-bilang Robin ya?
Okaaay, so now, let's make it fast to the time when Ted picked up Robin.
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that they're going to go to Ted's first building celebration.

Ted's Monologue : And so, kids, on that cold Desember night, I decided to take your uncle Marshall's advice, and be a little selfish.
*skip conversation a little bit*
Robin : Oh Ted tell Ranjit what's huge thing is gonna be happening tonight
Ted : Barney's getting be engaged
Ranjit : Ranjit out
Robin : Barn... Barney's getting be engaged?
Ted : He asked me to keep it to be secret, but, I thought you deserve to know, in case you wanna do something about it. Do you?
Ranjit : Do you, Robin?
Ted : Ranjit, little privacy, please?
Ranjit : Sorry, not listening!
Ted : So, what you wanna do?
*skip a little bit*
Robin : I appreciate what you're doing. But I'm not chasing after Barney, anymore. I just can't be getting crazy about all that. I mean, why would I want to throw myself back in that pit? 
Ted : Because you're in love with him
Robin : No, I'm not. I'm happy for him. 
Ted : So, it doesn't bother you, that Barney Stinson is gonna propose to another woman, on top of the World Wide News building?
Robin : Wait, why on the top of the World Wide News building?
Ted : I guess it's Patrice's favorite spot in this city
Robin : Oh, damn it, Patrice, that is my favourite spot in this city!!!

From this moment, I smiled. I knew it won't be Patrice at all.

Ted : Wow *text message alerts* Ranjit says wow.
Robin : Give me that one detail stinks a little bit. But that doesn't mean that I'm in love with Barney.
Ted: *text message alerts* sounds like she's in love with Barney. Okay is this devider at least sound proof? *text message alerts* Yes, with a little winky face. #okay, Ranjit menggagalkan suasana pake banget hahaha.
Robin : Look, I never go well to Barney. I really do. But tonight there's no place I'd rather be in actual building. Celebrating with you. 
Ted : Are you sure?
Robin : Ranjit? To teddy west side kick-ass building!
Ranjit : I cannot hear you!

Nah, inti dari postingan blog ini, dimulai dari sini.


Robin : Hey. Do you realize that something that you thought up in your head, now exists as the part of Manhattan's skyline? That's huge!
Ted : It's just a building. I mean I'm incredibly young to get this achievement but it's just a building. I mean, Architecture Fashion Week may had doubt it more than just a building, but it's just a building, so, it's not gonna carried away... Okaaay, you're right, it's huge.

I wish I could say that sometime as an interior architect :') Aamiin.

Robin : It is huge! You're the star of the party! Who knows maybe the future of Mrs. Ted Mosby is gonna be there
Ted : *gazed at Robin quite a long time* Yeah, maybe she will.
Robin : Yup. *arrived* Wait, this is not your... Hhhh, this is World Wide News building.
Ted : Go get him
Robin : I told you. I'm done chasing Barney. Now can we please go to your party?
Ted : Robin, do you wanna spend tonight, making a small talk with a bunch of bankers in a daring yet refine contemporary masterpiece KingKong should feel lucky to climb...

Oh Ted, still going on through his humour

Ted : ...or you wanna follow your heart?
Robin : Why are you keep insisting that I have this feelings with Barney?
Ted : Because you do. *text message alerts* see, even Ranjit agrees. No he's gotta pee. The point is, you're not over Barney, that's why you freaked out about him proposing on the top of World Wide News building.
Robin : I am not freaked out. It's just, a tiny, tiny bit annoying because I'm the one who show her that roof  in the first place! Damn it, Patrice!
Ted : Whoa *text message alerts* never mind I found a soda bottle. Oh, okay that's disturbing.
Robin : What do you want me to do, Ted? Run up to that roof, knocked ring out of Barney's hand and say "sorry to interrupt but you should be with me"
Ted : Is that what you want?
Robin : No. I don't. I can't keep making an ass to myself.
Ted : Well, I warn a defense in ass of yourself is under-rated. Eight years ago I made an ass of myself chasing after you and I made an ass of myself chasing after you a bunch of times since then. I have no regrets because it led me to something I wouldn't trade for the world, it led to you being my friend. So as your friend and a leading expert in the field of making an ass of yourself. I say to you, from the heart, get the hell out of this car.

FYI, I cried with all of my heart. Pertama kalinya aku nangis heboh gara-gara sesuatu di layar kaca, ya ini.

Robin : *cried* But Ted, your big night.
Ted : It's just the building.

Sumpah aku beneran pengen nangis nulis postingan ini.
Well, this part to the next part should be seperated, I guess.
These two parts have this each vital thing to catch about.

Konklusinya, Ted nganterin Robin buat nyusul Barney yang bakal ngelamar Patrice.
I mean, after all those years, after Ted's enormous feelings with Robin, after what conversation Ted did with Marshall.
Ted lebih milih untuk ngga egois dan nganterin Robin ke Barney.
Aku ngga tau lagi hatii Ted kebuat dari apa hahaha.
Yang jelas, untuk kebahagiaan Robin, Ted bakal ngelakuin semua hal yang dia bisa, termasuk ngorbanin perasaannya sendiri.
Well, fellas, jarang banget ngga sih denger cerita yang beginian?
Kalo ada, mungkin someone as Ted udah bawa lari Robin ke pestanya dan bahagia bersamanya.
But he knows it was wrong for Robin.

That's why I choose Ted more than Barney.


Barney's going to be engaged?

still remember how I'm crazy about how i met your mother series?
I already posted it long time ago
now I wanna talk about it again
it's because I already met the most outrageous episode of this lovely series

When Barney got jinxed

it's episode 11-12 titled The Final Page
it started that Barney got jinxed by his one of the best bro, Marshall so he can't speak until someone un-jinx him
the episode goes well as hillarious as always on the episode 11
until Barney and Ted were lonely in the car
accidentally, Ted was un-jinxed Barney so Barney can speak words again

Barney : ..But now, with Patrice, for the first time in my life, I feel settled. And happy. I wanna feel this way forever. So, tomorrow night, on the top of the roof of World Wide News building, that's Patrice's favorite spot, I'm gonna ask her for marry me.

Pas pertama ngeliat Barney kayak gitu, wow, Patrice? What have you done to our Barney?

Aku cuma ngeliat Barney segitu banget sama cewek ya sama Robin
And he was too sweet when he did it to her *despite that I'm ted-robin shipper*
Sehebat apa sih Patrice ampe Barney yang playboynya ngga ketulungan jatuh cinta kayak begitu?

Barney with Patrice, like, seriously?

Even that I'm ted-robin shipper, aku masih sedikit ngarep kalo Barney ended up happily setidaknya with Robin, bukan Patrice #sorryPatrice
Nah, disini aku mulai curiga, kayanya bakal ada sesuatu yang enormous bakalan kejadian bentar lagi.

Cus deh ke episode 12
Oh iya aku lupa bilang kalo Ted udah dikasih sumpah sama Barney kalo Ted ngga boleh ngasih tau siapa-siapa soal lamarannya ke Patrice
Meskipun udah dikasih janji, di episode 12, Ted ngerasa ngga enakan sama Robin yang keliatan banget masih fall in love too much with Barney
Dan disini dia ngasih tau Robin tentang semuanya

Sebelum kesitu, Ted curhat dulu nih ke Marshall

Illustrated only. They both wearing different clothing at this moment.

Marshall : That's huge
Ted : yeah. That's why Barney isn't coming tonight. He's going to be engaged. And I knew that I have to tell Robin
Marshall : But?
Ted : I may of... umm... ask her to be my date instead. What is wrong with me? Deep down, is there still some crazy part of me that thinks I'm gonna wind up with Robin. Am I that deluted?...

I started to lose my mind when I watched Ted like this
Hell yeah you are deluted and I'm very okay with it!


Ted : .. If so, I need to grow up. *then talked about jinx swear that Ted can't tell anyone about this* Robin deserves the chance to go out with Barney one last time if that what she wants. Thanks, Buddy. This helped. I'm gonna tell her.
Marshall : One quick thing
Ted : Yea?
Marshall : Don't

This is why, instead from my love to the dearest Teddy-Bear-Mosby, I kinda have a crush with Marshall. It's because besides he's hillarious, he's ted-robin shipper!
I love you, Marshmallow :*

Ted : Okay. Why shouldn't I tell her up?
Marshall : Because deep down, some crazy part of you still think you gonna wind up with her and I agree
Ted : Marshall?
Marshall : I'm sorry, I'm team Tedward. Always have been always will be...


Marshall : listen. I want my bestfriend to be happy. And, if Robin could mean happiness for you, then, dear God, why help her to be with another man?
Ted : Because she's might still in love with him. To not tell her, to not give her that chance, it's selfish. 
Marshall : So be selfish
Ted : I can't do that. 
Marshall : tell that to the onion rings which just "split" xD
Ted : Robin is my friend
Marshall : She's always been more than that, and you know it. *then talked about Lily* But I'm not gonna leaving here, until you promise that you'll never gonna say any of this word to Robin. Now repeat after me. I.
Ted : Well, I can do one more time with I.
Marshall : I, Ted Mosby, promise to stop putting everyone else's interest ahead of my own and for once in my life, do what's best for me.

To be continued, fellas...

Let me Sing!

Hello fellas!
Kepengen malu-maluin diri dikit.
Makanya aku kasih tauya disini aja ngga lewat twitter.
Kan malu-maluinnya dikit *skip*

Buka dong
disini kalian bakal dengerin betapa ... suaraku
wahahaha kalian yang nilai yah seperti apa suaraku
ini juga beneran pengen mal-maluin diri kok
tapi dikit doang #tetep

Udah ada beberapa lagu kok hihihi
kalo udah denger kasihtau lho yaaa kayak apa kiwkiwkiw

I'm in burning burning myself right now~

Being Alone in A Journey

Lagi bosen

Jadi ada temen SMA yang chatting sama aku barusan
Dia bagi-bagi pengalaman tentang hidup sendirian di daerahnya kuliah
Dia sharing ttg pengalaman merantau gitu
Ngga kenal siapa-siapa

one of them was chatting on me via facebook. guess who?

Well, mungkin aku juga mengalami hal yang sama pas mulai kuliah
Tapi aku masih punya beberapa temen yang kuliahnya sama univnya

#temensatuSMA #nggamaksudapa2 :p

Dia bilang mau dapet temen baru sama kegiatan baru
Makanya ngambil kuliahnya jauhan dikit
Biar ngga ketemu gituuu maksudnya ama yang lama #independent

There are two sides yang bisa diambil dari being alone in a journey

Positifnya, tentu aja dapet pengalaman. Mungkin bakal malesin, karena menurut aku perubahan itu sulit. Apalagi kalo ngadepinnya sendirian. Ngga kenal siapa-siapa, ngga tau harus gimana. Tapi, keadaan yang malesin itulah yang maksa diri kita juga untuk berubah. Yakali aku harus diem sepanjang orde di kampus dan ngga ngapa-ngapain pas ospek kaya dulu mos sma. Entah apa kata para senior ntar #nooffense :D
Jadi, supaya akunya ngga kena omel sama senior yang tentunya nyusahin diri sendiri, maka dari itu hal yang harus aku dapatkan adalah pengetahuan tentang apa yang harus aku lakukan selama ospek berjalan. Karena ngga tau apa-apa, aku harus nanya ke temen-temen senasib dan setakdir yang ikut-ikutan ospek. Nah, kalo gini kan, berasa perubahannya. Berasa pengalamannya. Berasa kan, ya? #apasih
Dari sini aja udah kerasa ding perbedaannya dengan kita yang dulunya males amit-amit mau nanya ke orang yang ngga dikenal, eh taunya, pas merantau, bisa tuh temenan ama yang kebetulan one destiny one story padahal ngga tau yang macem-macem tentang doi #apazeh. Perubahan kan? Pengalaman ngga sih? Positif pastinya.
Jadi, dari sini kita udah tau ntar kalo mau kepo tentang segala sesuatunya yang menurut kamu penting tapi kamu masih ngga tau tentang sesuatu itu *ngulangdikitdoangnih* *maapkan* ya jawabannya: tanya! Pengalaman yang kecil tapi manfaatnya bre. Gede, bre.

Eh, negatif?
Mmmm, negatif dari sendirian?

Wakakak aku beneran mikir soalnya #pentingsangadh #kaliandhharuzttauw #apasih -_-

Kalo menurutku yah, negatifnya ya itu, bakal kesusahan sana-sininya (ini dalam konteks kuliah lho ya). Mau nyari bahan belajar, susah ngga ada kenalan. Mau rekomen kostan, susah ngga ada yang tau. Mau pinjem duit, susah ngga ada yang punya #eh #kepeleset
Tapi kayak yang udah aku ketik di atas, biar kita ngga kesusahan, ya itu dia, ngomong! Tanya aja kesana-kemari tentang buku. Siapa tau dapet yang dosen punya? Tanya aja tukang ojek-bubur-kayu-ngelas tentang kostan, siapa tau dapetnya yang nyaman nan murah? Tanya aja anak-anak sekostan, siapa tau salah satunya anak presiden? #apasihdaritadi

Ya gitu aja sih menurut aku. Intinya pasti ada bagusnya. Akhirnya tinggal kita sendiri yang nentuin, bisa hidup apa engga selama perantauan #nasibanakrantau

Jamal-ing di SMA :3

PS : tarengkyu juga nih old friend of mine, ngasih inspirasi banget. Jadinya ketulis nih kan x)
