
I'm still excited for writing this blog again after a very loooong time hahahh!! ><
so pardon me if I'm still writing about myself a little bit here :D
I really wanna share with you guys some things that is happening to me right now

I plan
Actually, I always make plans for living
Usually I make plans for the day, for after the day, for what I'm gonna eat today, for what should I buy today, for what fun things that I could do the day, dan kawan-kawan~

But relax... I'm not gonna spill those things out here.
Aku mau post tentang plans yang akan aku jalanin dalam waktu panjang.
Soo... here we go!

1. Happiness Project

My current reading right now

For brief, happiness project is actually a (really good) book yang isinya tentang seorang wanita yang melakukan sebuah project untuk membuat dia lebih bahagia di hidupnya. it started when she was on the bus, being alone and thinking "am I happy?"

buku ini bagus banget menurutku. so many things, says, and activities that is soooo encouraging and inspiring dan kamu bisa langsung motivated banget saat itu juga. bahkan kalo kamu baca satu halaman aja, udah bakal biikin kamu inspired already :)

there is something too in this book. this woman is actually having one thing that is always on her track. yippieeee, it is called The Resolution Chart. you could google the name for seeing hers. But, because of her too, I've made my own!

My own Resolution Chart in A4 paper size

The Resolution Chart is a 31 numbered sheets of a table yang isinya tentang resolusi kamu. In this case and book, she makes it every month. first thing first, dia nentuin dulu, di tahun ini apa aja sih yang mau dia benerin dari kehidupannya dan dirinya? She was making 12 things that should be done, then she research and reads plenty of books for how she would done that. Setelah itu, dia fokusin satu bulan untuk nuntasin satu hal yang mau dia benerin. and it works really well actually :) maybe she isn't really that happy either. but. it's life, isn't it? you won't feel happy if you don't experience sad things. at least she is happier :)

two keywords for sure from what I get in this book is having the discipline and awareness of your resolutions. if you don't, forget about it. kamu hanya nyampah dan buang duit karena udah ngeprint kertas buat resolusi mini ini.

and....... that is what happens to me, right now T-T okay so, I was having my first resolution and I named it Bloody Architecture. hahaha sounds cursing, aren't they? it's okay, I get it. in this holiday, I'm just feeling a little bored about what I'm doing in college, and I'm feeling like I really, really, really wanna be a good (hopefully great also) architect one day, so I decided to make this as my first resolution.

maybe it's the name, is it? I just wonder why am I not having any motivation of doing my resolution recently :" or maybe I could stop searching any excuses and start doing now! >< #pardonmyself #karenamarahindirisendiri

I have this thinking. maybe if I update everyday about what I'm doing or what progress that I make about my resolution here, in my blog, maybe it could help :D

I just have this urge to post the feelings of 'great idea!' with a picture

2. COPIC!!!
I. LITERALLY. HAVE. TO. HAVE. THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for some of you that don't know what these beautiful creatures are, READ THIS.
copic are colorful markers that is soooo useful yet easy to use for doing creative projects :) do you have it clear enough?
BUT, because of its useful-and-easy-characters, they, unfortunately, have so high price. it's around 5million rupiahs (for smaller size only)

so, because of this, you realize why I have been included in some business, right? :D

well, they are not enough already because I have no clients right now and the Zingibro one isn't starting yet, so I have no money to save. and I'm planning to sell some of my books and magazines here in my blog. if you are interested, make contact with me, okay? soon I will post some of my books and pricelist here.

I also planned on singing for being paid too :p what do you think?

3. being thinner

The latest photo of me
look at that picture. pipi dan tanganku membesar dengan sendirinya (dan dengan cemilan serta makanan yang aku makan setiap harinya tanpa memperhatikan asupan kalori yang aku terima). I really should get on exercising and start to eliminate amounts of calories I need. I admit it that this fasting month, my pray is being heard by Allah. aku pernah doa kalo aku ga pengen tidur di malem hari. itu karena aku pingin kerja tugas kuliahku, dimana ketika kuliah tidurku (kebanyakan) jamnya normal. hal ini sebenernya sangat ngeganggu karena bikin akunya keteteran. mana kegiatan pagi dan siang bener-bener gabisa diganggu dengan tugas-tugas menumpuk yang dikasih dosen. Allah answers me, tapi di liburan. jadi kebanyakan aku begadang and sometimes, I eat. and I eat lots. I have read one article that says eating at night isn't helping at all when you on diet #omg
mungkin emang ada hikmah di semua ini. setidaknya aku begadang untuk ngerjain tugas-tugas ketika liburan. setidaknya juga I have plenty of time watching movies and series that I may not watch it when I'm in my campus time. but maybe I could try it when I'm working on my assignments so I won't be easy to sleep faster? :) I may try this one

4. mulai mengaji

Qur'an kesayangan (the red one) dan terjemahannya (the brown gold one)
bukannya mau nunjukin kalo Qur'an kesayangan berarti seneng ngaji banget hehehe, cuma karena qur'an merah yang itu udah eksis sejak aku kelas 2 sd, trus tulisannya gede-gede ngga kaya qur'an sekarang mungil-mungil banget hurufnya. aku malah sebenernya mulai jarang mengaji ketika aku mulai masuk kuliah. karena (menurutku) aku sibuk banget, aku jadi susah buat ngaji barang satu-dua juz. padahal kalo dipikir-pikir aku dengan mudahnya banget online atau on pc 5 sampe 6 jam (ga deng, sejam-tiga jam lah xixi...) tapi baca qur'an aja aku sangat sangat pemalas. so... I'm planning over myself that I should baca Qur'an lagi dan menjadikan kegiatan ini sebagai kegiatan harian and it's a must thing to do!!!

5. saying birthdays and giving gifts

cute packaging gifts idea
I remember one of many things that has been said by Gretchen on her Happiness Project book that happiness comes when you keep your friends on your track. one of them is giving congratulations by their special events. well, since my friends are nearly my ages, so they maybe only having birthdays and anniversaries if they have some relationship. yang udah nikah cuma orangtuaku (abzelutely) dan beberapa family relatives lainnya. little post cards will be quite enough too. so right now I'm actually list-ing every person that I know on Facebook's birthday, and start to say congratulations to them. and I'm giving them presents if they are close and special to me :) I even ever give a cover of Won't Go Home Without You by request of my friend's birthday gift. you know what? it brings so much thrilling and sparkling feeling right inside your heart and head by the way, for giving things to people (sorry for the drama) but that is true. you should try it some other time :)

soooooo, this is the end of my post :) I hope by sharing this I could remind myself that I have so much goals to do, instead of being lazy and watch horror non-stop! I hope that this post is useful for you guys too! have fun :>

fyi, I'm writing this post while reading life cheating website that has soooo many useful tips and tricks you should know and I'm streaming on 3 horror anime from last night. yep! that's right! I had no sleep. again.

if you want to look for tips and tricks website that I love to see (and you should see!) check it out here
if you like to watch anime for free (they have good horror anime too, yum!) just click this and be thrilled!

see ya!

sorry not to sorry

pertama mau bilang minta maaf lagi karena udah ga ngisi blog (lagi) dari jaman-kapan-tau
tapi... ngeheheh....
udah berapa kali gitu ya kejadian mulu
udah absen blogging dan udah minta maaf lagi minta maaf lagi
so I'm gonna skip the I'm-sorry-part


I just wanna share with you guys about how and what I am doing in this lovely fasting month <3
aku sedang disibukkan dengan beberapa tugas yang sedang diamanahkan kepadakuh

1. ada litbang Ikatan Mahasiswa Arsitektur (IMA) yang sedang gencar-gencarnya melakukan satu proker berjudul GKM dan kebetulan aqoh jadi penanggung jawabnya #etdah #pamerpula. untuk sekilas info, GKM itu program dimana litbang di IM kita berperan sebagai konsultan. jadi kalo misalnya di departemen arsitektur sedang ada suatu masalah yang krusial namun kayanya belum ada pemecahan, disini GKM berperan untuk riset dan menyarankan solusi yang diharapkan solutif... selamaaa... lamanyaaaaa~ 

Lambang IMA #harusbgtdipostlambangnya

2. ada kepanitiaan Todung Cup UI yang akan berlangsung very soon dan aku menjadi staf dekor disitu. sejauh ini kita baru ngerjain pernak pernik tulisan buat ngeramein suasana Todung Cupnya aja. tapi yang keren itu apa coba? thanks to PJ dekor yang kebetulan temen ars juga, yaitu Indri, pernak-perniknya berupa tulisan klasik dan ada lampu-lampunya. kewl khaaaaaan! B)

Lambang Todung UI Cup #rawrrr #you'regonnahearmerawr

3. ada kepanitiaan AFAIR dan aku berperan sebagai staff media partner. fyi (also for myself) this is the first time ever dapet jobdesk ginian. pertama banget sebenernya sepele banget, yaitu kirim email berupa invitation buat beberapa instansi majalah dan instansi kreatif lainnya buat jadi medpar acara ini. tapi deg-degannya itu lho! takut salah ketik, copas, dan sebagenya. apalagi ini orang yang udah percaya sama UI. takutnya salah ketik dikiiiiiit aja trus langsung gamau percaya aja kan gimana gitu ya #maafinparno

AFAIR last event. will be there again next year! 

4. some of you maybe know that I'm working on a little business that is about some graphic design stuff. baru merintis banget sebenernya, dan aku mulainya bareng dua temenku lainnya, Nijiko dan Aisyi. it's really good to have them together working with me and to have projects that could improve your knowledge and skills dan ini sebenernya lumayan dibutuhkan buat bidangku nanti kalo mau bikin portfolio, design report, dsb. besides, I could gain some bucks from here and it's more fun by that *evilgiggling*
actually, lately, I'm joining my other friends business too. but it's kinda focused one. kalo yang bareng Nijiko Aisyi (nama perusahaan kita art'd by the way) itu tentang ngedesain segala macem barang mulai dari poster, logo, banner, sampe baju. nah kalo yang satu lagi (terdiri dari Nijiko (again), Retna, Uti, and Lidya) kita lebih fokus ke desain baju, tapi desain gambarnya masing-masing dari kita sendiri.
intinya... doakan dua bisnis ini berjalan dengan lancar!
I'm gonna post some of the links later if you are interested with us, fyi ;;)

ART'D. call us if you have some problems ;;)

the t-shirt business (the other one of my business) is called 'ZINGIBRO' and it means temulawak if you wanna know #apadahwkwk #tmi and will be out there soon so don't go anywhere!!!

so that is all of my activities this holiday beside watching horror and comedy movies and series. I just feel like I wanna share with you guys and it feels so long for not writing this blog basically just about myself hihi. I hope me (and also you guys who read this) will be having a blasted, blessed, yet best fasting and holiday ever! Kudoakan (dan doain aku juga yah) semoga semuanya berjalan lancar dan kita semua mendapat yang terbaik #agakganyambungsih #gapapadeh #idowhatiwant #quotesbyretna #stopjuststop
