
Pernah nggak sih ngerasa risih sama apa yang seharusnya nggak usah diungkit lagi di hadapan kita? Dan kebanyakan yang berlaku mengungkit-ngungkit begitu yah temen-temen kita *but not best friends*

Masalah yang nggak mau kuungkit hingga detik ini cuman satu.
Yep. My last ex.

Past is only past. And I already go through it for year.

But God, why I always get the evil side?

Teman-temanku ini selalu mengungkit hal-hal yang bersangkutan. Well aku tau itu semua bercanda. Tapi at the end, they always gave me the best advice, according to what they think. And when I said I don't even think a bit of ANY of those things, they said I'm not moving on. Next thing they call me evil.

I know I know. But I'm not the one that not care at all to what you all say to me.

I am sensitive. Aku selalu denger dan masukin hati dengan apa yang orang bilang ke aku. Soal aku marah apa nggak ya tergantung aku. Kalo aku emang udah sakit hati banget, nggak segan-segan juga aku marah. I'm not a human being type, but I'm into that kind of normal thing. Close :)

Dan mereka bilang aku jahat? Hallo, aber sie nicht komm zu mein wohne *eh bener nggak ya*

Kalian nggak tau apa-apa soal hidup aku. You don't know what just he had done to me. In your eyes, maybe, whoa, he's your friend. And I'm your friend too. So you guys don't want to take it for a business, don't you? Then you don't know what happened.

Stop judging.
Stop judging me.

You are just a friend. That's it ;)
#PS : I wrothe this through my Apple, so I can't upload the images to attract a bit. Sorry :p

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